COVID-19: Stay Calm, United & Informed

The full effects of the Coronavirus pandemic have yet to be felt, but many SEIU 721 members are already being impacted. Our union is hard at work ensuring that members’ health and safety needs are given full and complete consideration as we continue to work with employers and local governments to help control the spread of COVID-19. This page will be updated regularly to inform SEIU 721 members of major developments and policy changes.

Latest News

LA City Issues an Update to the Vaccine Mandate Policy - We have received the news that the City of LA has issued an update to the City’s COVID-19 vaccination mandate. The mandate update approves any pending medical or religious exemption that has been submitted to the City by January 31, 2023. In October of 2021, SEIU 721 alongside with the Coalition
We Won! California Lawmakers Pass Bill Giving Workers COVID-19 Supplemental Paid Sick Leave - A message from SEIU 721 President David Green:  We and our labor allies fought hard for COVID-19 supplemental paid sick leave for California workers. On Monday, with the passage of S.B. 114, we won. Gov. Gavin Newsom is expected to sign the bill this week, giving workers up to two

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Preventative Measures Save Lives

We must all do our part to stop the spread of novel coronavirus. SEIU 721 strongly encourages all members to take every precaution to limit the transmission of COVID-19 in our communities, including following the State of California’s “Shelter at Home” guidelines, practicing social distancing of at least six feet, and frequent hand washing.

Watch the video below to see SEIU 721 Registered Nurses Terri Thompson and Fiona Henlon demonstrate proper hand washing techniques as outlined by the World Health Organization.

In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19, SEIU 721 worksite organizers and staff are working remotely for the duration of the state’s “Safer at Home” ordinance.

For immediate assistance contact Member Connection at (877)721-4968