It’s time to re-build the Chapter Board, and we are currently seeking candidates.

Use this form below to nominate yourself.

If you would like to nominate another County of Santa Barbara member, use this form.

These are the roles and responsibilities of the Chapter Board officers:

Chair – Chair of the Board; run all meetings; general supervision and direction of Chapter; appoint committee; do everything not expressly delegated elsewhere

Co Chair – Assist Chair; act as Chair in her/his absence; chair internal committee; oversee Membership and Grievance Committee

Secretary – Keep records and minutes; notify committee members of their appointments

At Large (3) – Liaison to the general membership by attending all board meetings. The member at large serves to get input, provide feedback, and become a spokesperson for the membership.

TERM OF OFFICE – two (2) years unless otherwise changed. Continue to serve until successor elected.

Submit your nomination before Thursday, November 19, 2023 at 3pm (PST).

Only members in good standing may nominate themselves for the Chapter Board.

We are no longer accepting Chapter Board nominations.