SEIU California Endorses Safety for All Initiative

This week, SEIU Local 721, alongside SEIU State Council and other SEIU Locals from across the state, announced our full support and endorsement of the Safety for All Initiative on the November 2016 ballot.

Nominate yourself or one of your coworkers for a 2016 Gala Award!

Click here to download a 2016 Nursing Appreciation Gala Nominations Form, so you can nominate yourself, and one or more of your coworkers, for an award. Please note that you must answer all of the questions on the nomination form for it to be considered. You must complete one form for each person you wish to nominate, and submit it to Hilda Garcia by email , or FAX 213-289-5943, before 5 PM, on Friday, May 6.

SEIU 721 L.A. County DCFS member leaders deliver major workplace safety victories!

SEIU Local 721 is leading the way in protecting our members and making our workplaces safe. Working in collaboration with Los Angeles County, our Brothers and Sisters at the L.A. County Department of Children and Family Services recently secured a set of victories whose impact will be felt across L.A., San Bernardino, and Ventura Counties, as well as statewide. In collaboration with L.A. County, our SEIU 721 member leaders, made sure L.A. County DCFS offices were prepared for any disaster. We conducted a safety audit in each regional office, and began reviewing concerns on a case-by-case basis, and are implementing improvements beyond those listed, where needed.

Richard Webb’s Testimony (December 17, 2015)

Testimony given before OSHA Board of the California State Legislature: My name is Richard Webb. I am a Registered Nurse. I work for the psychiatric emergency room at Olive View Medical Center. I wanted to talk to you briefly about how this legislation can help create a safer work environment … Read More