Five Inspiring Labor Movies

This has been a great year for labor as our union brothers and sisters have risen up nationwide to score victory after victory. To celebrate our success, check out our list of inspiring labor movies. 5) Pajama Game ( Read More...

Retiree Story – Working Longer to Make Ends Meet

I went to work for the Ventura County court system in 1970. I planned to work for 25 years, thinking I could eventually have a good retirement. As my retirement eligibility approached, with nearly 25 years of service, I saw that more and more of my paycheck was going towards my medical insurance Read More...

My Thoughts on the Nurse Legislative Conference

Hundreds of nurses attended the two-day conference in Sacramento - including members from all of our locals in California. SEIU 721 sent 38 nurse leaders, and I was honored to be in the company of these dynamic advocates Read More...