This Labor Day, rest up for the big battle ahead

It’s been a momentous Summer on top of an extraordinarily challenging year that, much like the COVID-19 pandemic, is not over yet. For many of us, as SEIU 721 Members, it has been especially difficult. We make up much Read More...

SEIU Lavender LGBTQ+ Caucus Meeting this Monday!

We have incredible news. Last month, hundreds of our fellow SEIU 721 Members participated in the first ever local wide LGBTQ+ Union Pride Survey and we couldn’t be more ecstatic about the results. A great majority of you identify as allies of our LGBTQ+ community Read More...

St. John’s Ratification: Voting Extended!

Voting on our Tentative Agreement with St. John's Well Child and Family Center has been extended and will now go through 6 pm on Thursday, July 23. Click on the link below to cast your vote and to see the TA Summary. SEIU 721 Clinics: United on the Frontlines & Read More...

NEVHC: Special Vote on COLA

Due to financial hardships brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, Northeast Valley Health Corporation is proposing changes to the 3.5 percent Cost of Living Adjustment that was scheduled to go into effect July 15. NEVHC's original proposal was to postpone the entire COLA amount until January 2021. Read More...