SEIU Local 721 Officers Election Notice 2016


A secret ballot election for the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and forty (40) Executive Board member seats, is being conducted by mail. 

SEIU Convention Delegate Election Info

SEIU members from all over the United States and Canada will participate in the SEIU Convention in Detroit, Michigan from May 20-24, 2016. The SEIU Convention is held every four years.

Join Us for a Healthy 5k Race on Presidents’ Day in Ventura

Enjoy a healthy and fun Presidents’ Day this year with your family, SEIU 721 members and the labor community.

SEIU 721’s Tri-Counties Regional Council is sponsoring up to 25 runners at the UFCW 770 Icaza Foundation Healthy Day 5KWalk/Run on Presidents’ Day, Feb. 15, 2016.

We Stand Together #SBStrong

San Bernardino Memorial and Victims Fund Launched as Part of Multiyear Effort to Support the Long-Term Needs of San Bernardino Victims and Families

As families gather to mark the Holiday Season, SEIU Local 721, in collaboration with Labor Community Services, are launching a multiyear memorial fund to benefit the families of those killed on December 2, 2015, as well as to provide support to the San Bernardino County employees directly impacted by the tragedy.

Happy New Year from SEIU 721

Holiday hours at all SEIU 721 offices will be modified. All offices will close at 1 p.m. on Christmas and New Year’s Eve; closed on Christmas and New Year’s days. Have a Happy and Healthy Holiday.