San Bernardino County Professionals Stand Up for Child Safety

Hundreds of San Bernardino County professionals and several community leaders gathered at lunchtime on April 28th to protest short-staffing in county departments and to show support for their bargaining team, which has been at the table since last August trying to win a fair contract that will deal with high caseloads and workloads.

Public Service Recognition Week Events in the Inland Area

What is Public Service Recognition Week

Celebrated the 1st full week in May since 1985, Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW) is a time set aside to honor the men and women who serve our nation as federal, state, county and local government employees. Throughout the nation and the world, public servants use this occasion to educate others about the work they do and why they have chosen public service careers, as well as the many ways government services make life better for all of us.

San Bernardino County Members Speak Up on Harmful Cuts

On March 1, SEIU Local 721 San Bernardino members went to the Board of Supervisors meeting to shed light on the negative impact of the cuts to their departments, jobs, and their lives. We have their attention, and that was just a sample!

We Stand Together #SBStrong

San Bernardino Memorial and Victims Fund Launched as Part of Multiyear Effort to Support the Long-Term Needs of San Bernardino Victims and Families

As families gather to mark the Holiday Season, SEIU Local 721, in collaboration with Labor Community Services, are launching a multiyear memorial fund to benefit the families of those killed on December 2, 2015, as well as to provide support to the San Bernardino County employees directly impacted by the tragedy.

Inland Members – Community Hold Toy and Food Drive and Holiday Picnic

For past month, SEIU 721 Inland members gathered unwrapped toys and non-perishable food for this year’s Holiday Toy and Food Drive. On Saturday, Dec. 12, they came together at Bryant Park in Riverside, to celebrate and donate the goods to Olive Crest, a non-profit foster service organization. Members and leaders from RPOA and IBEW Local 47 also participated, making it one of the most successful Toy Drive to date.

Community Candlelight Vigil for Our County Employees

SEIU will honor all who lost their lives in this horrific attack, as well as all workers and the San Bernardino community, at a Candlelight Vigil on Monday, December 7 at 5.p.m at the San Bernardino Board of Supervisors, 385 N Arrowhead Ave, San Bernardino. Please join us as we show support for our friends, family, and colleagues in San Bernardino.

We Mourn the Victims of the San Bernardino Shooting

Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by the senseless violence in San Bernardino on Wednesday, Dec. 2. Together, we mourn for those fallen and hope for a speedy recovery for those injured and traumatized by this tragedy.

San Bernardino Members Demand Accountability from Top Managers

San Bernardino County SEIU Local 721 members questioned the accountability of top county administrators after County Supervisors emerged from closed session on Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2015.

Every day our members come to work to ensure the safety and well-being of our community. They expect leaders that are willing to stand up and be accountability. They want leadership that they can trust.