Join The Fire Zappia Tour

Temecula Drop Zappia
It's time for Riverside County's anti-worker attorneys at Zappia Law Firm to go! Keeping Zappia on the county payroll hurts our county workers, which hurts our entire community, so we're rallying the community to our Read More...

Riverside County’s Whopping Number of Unfair Practice Charges!

Since labor negotiations began with the County of Riverside in mid 2016, we have filed a whopping 27 unfair labor practice charges against the County. That’s 27 times the County has stooped lower and lower to silence our voices and stonewall bargaining! The County has bargained with us in Read More...

Stop Riverside County’s Wasteful Spending in Its Tracks

We have to hand it to them: Riverside County management certainly has a knack for wasting taxpayer dollars. Whether it’s spending over $40 million on contracts with European consulting giant KPMG, or losing over $70 million in taxpayer dollars on their toxic swap deal with Read More...

Jail time for Self-Defense, WTF?

COUNTY'S Riverside Health System says one thing on self-defense — County lawmakers say another. Moreno Valley, CA — Chalk up another blunder in the long list of mismanagement for the County of Read More...

Riverside County Refuses Our Request to Mediate

On the heels of our powerful strike last week we immediately made the request for the County to return to the bargaining table and negotiate. They refused. Not only did they refuse to return to table, they also denied our request for mediation through a neutral party to help us hammer out a fair Read More...