Bargaining for our new County of Riverside contract is gearing up! The Contract HQ page is your one stop for all the latest updates on bargaining and to see the ways that you can help us win a strong contract.

Riverside County Rolling Rallies

County of Riverside Rolling Rallies Earlier in December, hundreds of County of Riverside members hit the streets to let the County know that what's on the table isn't good enough and we're not backing down without a fair deal that honors our work. We're not done standing up Read More...

County of Riverside Contract Campaign Update #2

Our Fight So Far Our CATs Are Standing Strong As our bargaining team fights for a fair deal at the table, our CAT members got together to hear the report from the table and move the bargaining report all over the county. Our CATs have been essential for keeping members engaged and informed Read More...

We Put the County On Notice!

Dozens of County of Riverside members put county leadership on notice at the May board meeting, delivering a petition with more than 1,500 signatures of members who are demanding that the County Read More...