San Bernardino Professionals Win Historic Deal!

We did it! After a year of organizing and action, we’ve secured a deal that begins the long process of restoring vital San Bernardino County services hobbled by attrition and short-staffing. Our tireless work as SEIU 721 members has paid off! Our San Bernardino Professionals Bargaining Team won one of the best contracts negotiated in years: One that includes pay raises and restorations, better medical and retirement benefits, new bonuses and allowances, an investment in public services and stronger grievance procedures to amplify the power of our voice on the job!

Come to the Healthcare Fair!

We care about your health! Come to the SEIU 721 Healthcare Fair and get free healthcare screenings and have your insurance questions answered. There’s even a special safety driving session for seniors! It’s open to the public so bring your friends and family.

David Green Re-elected to LACERA Board

On August 7, 2014 David Green was re-elected to the LACERA Board. He won by capturing nearly 80% of the vote! We are thrilled to have him represent us again.