Bringing August Heat!

This August all L.A. County members were encouraged to wear their official "Raise up ALL of LA County" sweatbands everyday while on the job to show their Local 721 unity.  And they're stepping up! Do your part by getting Purpled Out this August! See your worksite organize for your official Read More...

Bringing the Heat in August

Four months have passed since L.A. County contract negotiations began, and the County has failed to present a fair deal at the bargaining table. Enough is enough! We can't afford to wait any longer for the County Read More...

Raising Up DCFS Social Workers!

Raise Up All of LA County has been bargaining since March and the County still hasn't come to the table with a fair deal to alleviate the DCFS understaffing or with a strategy to deliver more services to the people we Read More...

On our Way to Stamping Out Poverty Wages in L.A. County

We did it! On the heels of fighting our way to winning a minimum wage increase in the City of Los Angeles, the L.A. County Board of Supervisors just approved a set a motions that puts unincorporated L.A. County on track to reach a $15/hr. minimum wage by 2020 and to stamp Read More...

Time to Show The County We Mean Business!

It's time to crank up the heat on L.A. County and you need to be part of the action!  We've been bargaining since March, and the County still hasn't come to the table with a fair deal to alleviate the understaffing or with a strategy to Read More...

Vote for Herman Santos for LACERA Board

LA County members, the LACERA election ballot should have arrived at your home in an envelope from the L.A.County Register-Recorder. Open the letter, cast your vote for Herman Santos, and return your Read More...

Eligibility Workers Deliver!

When we fight we win! L.A. County Eligibility Workers (EW's) and Clerical Staff have been speaking out on the alarming number of cases under a system that has yet to catch up.On Monday, June 22nd their united voices made a difference! EW's and Clerical Staff brought the house down Read More...

SEIU 721 Responds to DCFS Audit

Attention to all SEIU 721 DCFS CSW members! L.A. County DCFS recently concluded an audit, which found over 800 CSW's claimed weekend and evening mileage incorrectly, or logged into their computer Read More...