What We’re Fighting for in Our Successor LA City Contract

On the heels of our historic Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) strike last month, we're hitting the ground running to negotiate our successor contract. Our ULP strike gave us an extraordinary platform to fight for every City worker and resident. We’ve grabbed the attention of every City of LA leader Read More...

From the Harbor to the Valley, We Shut It Down!

From the Port of L.A. to the northern end of the San Fernando Valley, WE SHUT IT DOWN. When the clock struck 12:01 AM on August 8th, we ushered in the day with Operation Big Bang Battle (BBB), a ULP strike.  Thousands of us walked off the job for 24 hours and hit the picket Read More...

Our LA City ULP Strike Line Locations

Please check this page for updates As you know, we’re going on a 24-hr ULP strike on August 8th at 12:01AM over the City of LA’s bad faith bargaining and repeated labor law violations. As we stated before in our ULP Strike Q&A, a ULP strike is legally protected Read More...

Watch out, LA City– We’re Mobilizing a ULP Strike

LA City better watch out. Our LA City member leaders are mobilizing to demand the respect LA City workers deserve! This past Saturday, July 29th, LA City member leaders united for a ULP Strike Captain training to hone their skills in preparation for an upcoming ULP Strike. Energy, excitement, Read More...