A Crack in Riverside County’s Armor!

Judge Throws Out Injunction and Labor Board Moves to Set Hearing for an Unfair Practice Charge! Right on the heels of a State Superior Court Judge throwing out a strike injunction on the grounds that no strike was Read More...

Join The Fire Zappia Tour

Temecula Drop Zappia
It's time for Riverside County's anti-worker attorneys at Zappia Law Firm to go! Keeping Zappia on the county payroll hurts our county workers, which hurts our entire community, so we're rallying the Read More...

Calling On Riverside County: Fire Zappia Law Firm!

Drop Zappia Action
The working families of Riverside County are fed up with the conduct of the County's outside attorney, Zappia Law Firm. Today, we officially filed a motion for sanctions in Riverside Superior Court charging the County and Zappia Law Firm with misleading the court by omitting key information Read More...