We Are 25 Years Beyond Prop 187 Celebration Nov. 9

25 years ago, the anti-immigrant ballot measure Prop 187 passed in the state of California after a campaign of fear and scare tactics waged by ideologues eager to demonize immigrants. Little did these peddlers of hate know, but Prop 187 would ignite a new generation of progressive activist Read More...

Immigration Health Care-A-Van Do’s and Don’ts

Here are some helpful tips for everyone who volunteered to participate on Sat., Feb. 23, 2019. DO’s DO remember that we’re here to serve. We’re not on vacation. DO respect our local hosts. DO respect patient privacy. DO stay with our group. DO remain Read More...

Your Citizenship, Your Voice, Your Resistance

The right to vote is one of the most fundamental rights in our country. By taking your vote to the ballot box you can stand up to the current administration's attacks on working families, on our healthcare and in defense of those with different immigration status. On July 30th, join SEIU 721 Read More...