Join us on 3/23 for a Day of Action to protect jobs & health:

On Thursday, March 23rd, SEIU 721 members are taking the day off for a Day of Action to protect jobs and health care. Join US. Since January the Affordable Care Act (the ACA) has been gutted. The so-called-plan to replace it, will create chaos. 5 million Californians will lose their health plan. Read More...

National Call-In Day: Take Action To Save The ACA

Today is National Call-In Day! Please join us in taking two actions: First, call the Senate - 1 (866) 426 2631 - to oppose Tom Price as Secretary of Health and Human Services. He won't save any part of the Affordable Care Act. Even coverage for preexisting conditions Read More...

Together We Won In California

There's too much at stake for our members and our communities to not be leading advocates for a better California. When we fight together, we win for the Golden State. Here's a list of all of our victories from the November 8th election.   Read More...