Ventura County Members Say “Invest in our Community!”

Now more than ever we have to unite to fight for our community. We are gearing up the field and our unity and solidarity will provide the foundation to move the county in the right direction.

However, the county’s offer is NOT a commitment to invest in our community!

County Of Ventura Workers Say “Make That Call!”

At the table, the biggest issue is ensuring that we have accessible and affordable quality healthcare. We’re taking this fight for affordable healthcare head on for our families and for our community.

Purple Up to Lift Up Ventura County!

Our unity and participation has a positive impact as we bargain for a strong contract that helps Lift Up Ventura County.

Purple Up on Tuesday, August 30 to stand in unity with the Bargaining Team as it goes to the table with County management.

County of Ventura Human Services Agency Members Prepare for Bargaining

SEIU Local 721 Human Services Agency (HSA) members provide quality services to the most vulnerable populations in our county. HSA members met at IBEW Union Hall on July 13th in preparation for bargaining and discussed Issues like workload/caseload, retention, health and safety on the job, and how those items impact the community.

Newly Elected County of Ventura Bargaining Team

Meet your newly elected 2016 SEIU Local 721 County of Ventura Bargaining Team.

These members are from the Admin Support, Maintenance and Labor, Professional, Social Services, Supervisory, Technical Units and an At Large member and serve communities across Ventura County.