Did You See the LA City Raise on Your Check?

Did you see it on your paycheck? That’s right, the 1st of our 2 across-the-board 2024 salary increases kicked in this week. Our raise arrives on the heels of the LA City Council unanimously voting to approve our new MOU last month. We fought for these raises with tooth and nail. We Read More...

LA City Council Unanimously Approves our MOU!

April 17th marks a milestone for every LA city member. The Los Angeles City council unanimously voted to ratify and finalize our 5-year MOU that's bringing 6% in raises in 2024, and over 22% in raises during the life Read More...

We Ratified our LA City Contract!

The results are in! LAPMA has concluded their vote count and we’re proud to announce that we overwhelmingly ratified our LA city successor contract. The vote results conclude a contract fight for the ages. We Read More...

City of Los Angeles Members Vote Yes

After weeks of on-site and virtual worksite meetings and thousands of votes cast, the results are in. Together, we voted overwhelmingly to approve our new Tentative Agreement with the City of Los Angeles, locking in 22% raises over the life of the term, including 6% in the first Read More...

Online Voting for LA City Tentative Agreement Now Available

After months of contract negotiations, including 3 consecutive days of intensive bargaining that included Mayor Karen Bass herself, and being on the verge of a 2nd ULP strike, we’ve reached a landmark 5-year Tentative Agreement with the city of Los Angeles. The TA Read More...

LA City Bargaining Update on Escalation Vote

Great news.  All unions have finished their ULP strike vote and members overwhelmingly voted to authorize a strike.   We have the strike authorization in our pocket if we need it. We have more great news.  The negotiations are headed in the right direction, so we don't intend to need to use Read More...

LA City Intensive Bargaining Update

After three consecutive days of non-stop intensive bargaining between the Coalition of LA City Unions and city management, we've made significant progress in our contract negotiations. Our ongoing Read More...