Bargaining Updates
We’re Strong and Getting Even Stronger! Riverside County Bargaining Update
The County withdrew its proposal to eliminate both the Flex Benefits cash back and subsidies for current employees, and the opt-out option for Flex Benefits. This is a huge step in the right direction but we have to continue amplifying the pressure to get the County to stop all the takeaways they’re still proposing.
Simi Valley Members Fight for Community Services
SEIU Local 721 Chapter Board. (Left to right) Eric Molina Ramona Mejia, Matt Booth, Nancy Fisher, Steve Perez, Vivienne DeLuca.
When we stay united we can accomplish great things for our workplaces and for our community.
Your SEIU 721 bargaining team met with City negotiators on Wednesday, May 17th. Our team presented proposals that will protect key community services, strengthen our union rights, and secure a strong future for ourselves and our families.
Simi Valley Members Start Bargaining and Pay Tribute
Our unity and participation are the foundation of a contract that lifts up our families and the community we serve.
When we work together we can demand the right tools to fix what’s broken, lift up our own families and communities, and keep Simi Valley working.
The SEIU 721 bargaining team met with City negotiators for the first session on April 5th. The team went to the table with a clear sense of your priorities via the comprehensive bargaining survey results.
Tri-Counties Region Gears Up to Bargain Good Contracts
Workers in Cities and District Looking to Restore Vital Services
SEIU 721 members in cities and districts across the Tri-Counties region are gearing up for bargaining campaigns to restore vital services, to make their communities healthier and safer and to win fair contracts with affordable healthcare and retirement security.
Anti-worker. Anti-union. Pro-corporation. Pro-1%. Gorsuch is wrong for the Supreme Court, and wrong for America!
Donald Trump attacked us when he nominated Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.
In the words of SEIU International President, Mary Kay Henry, “this is a step backwards for every American who wants a good job, the opportunity for a better life for their family, and a real voice in our economy and democracy.”
If Gorsuch is confirmed, the Supreme Court will rule against the communities we serve by gutting the public sector, silencing worker voice, and doing away with collective bargaining.
Click here to tell Senators Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris to stop Gorsuch!