Court Reporter Online Voting Instructions

Court Reporter Online Voting Open for 48 Hours Our union has reached a strong tentative agreement that lifts up all of LA Superior Courts! To accommodate court reporter schedules, BU 861 will be able to vote on ratification online for a 48 hour period. To view your TA summary, click here. Voting Read More...

RN Tentative Agreement Voting Schedule

The vote to approve our hard-won Tentative Agreement begins Monday Dec. 3, 2018 Our LA County RN Bargaining Team put in around-the-clock hours over the holiday weekend to push for a deal we can be proud of - and we got it! Because you showed your strength through Read More...

LA County Registered Nurses Authorize Strike!

LA County RN Strike Authorization
LA County Registered Nurses represented by SEIU 721 have authorized an Unfair Labor Practice strike to escalate their fight for patient safety! Nurses, who voted over 12 days, authorized the strike with an overwhelming 98% "NO" vote to reject the County's Last Best and Final Read More...

L.A. County RN ULP Strike Vote Q & A

Download the printable RN Strike Vote Q&A  here. Why are we having a ULP strike vote? For months, our elected L.A. County Registered Nurse bargaining team has sat across from County Read More...