Bargaining Begins in Santa Paula

The SEIU 721 City of Santa Paula Bargaining Committee met with City negotiators on Tuesday, February 18. The Committee presented the majority of its proposals. Critical proposals on wages and health are now on the table for negotiations.

Riverside County Law Library Members Unanimously Ratify New Contract

SEIU 721 began negotiations with Riverside County Law Library management for a new contract almost one year ago. Instead of accepting a status quo, long-term contract, the bargaining team committed themselves to winning important gains in wages and healthcare benefits, which would be competitive with other public service workers

What Are Your Ideas to Lift Up LA?

It’s time to fill out the LA City 2014 Contract Campaign Bargaining Survey. It only takes 15 minutes and it’s time very well spent.

Get Ready to Vote!

Shout it loud and proud: LA County members have a tentative agreement to vote on.The new LA County contract will bring raises, increase benefits and lift up the residents of LA County.

LA City Members: We Need Your Input

There’s an opportunity to restore and improve city services coming up. SEIU 721 members will start bargaining for our next contract soon. If you want to make the city stronger and protect our jobs, get involved today.