City of Santa Paula Members Approve Tentative Agreement

SEIU 721 members in the City of Santa Paula voted by a large margin to approve the tentative agreement.

This was the second vote on a tentative agreement, members rejected the first one. After members spoke up before the last city council meeting closed session, the council assured them that they would set up a process to become more informed on future bargaining negotiations.

We Did It! We’re Fixing LA

We’re FIXing LA

LA City workers vote to ratify a winning contract! With a 94% YES vote SEIU 721 members overwhelmingly voted for a contract that protects good middle-class jobs and restores vital community services.

It’s Official – LA City MOU 18 Recommends a YES Vote!

Great news! MOU 18 is recommending a YES Vote. Deadline for voting has been extended until MONDAY SEPTEMBER 28th for MOU 18 only.

The elected bargaining team members demanded clarity and accuracy on the intent of the agreement reflected in the summary. After hours of discussion and meetings with the Los Angeles City CAO all outstanding issues have been resolved and mitigated. Your bargaining team is now supporting the tentative agreement with City of L.A. and urging a yes vote.

Social Workers Strengthen Our Families and Communities

Social workers help the most vulnerable people in our community. Each situation is challenging and life changing for those in need. SEIU 721 San Bernardino County Social Service Practitioners pride themselves in working with families and community agencies to prevent children from being injured or killed.

San Bernardino Superior Court Bargaining Begins

The SEIU 721 bargaining team for the San Bernardino County Superior Court Reporters and Court Support Services unit have been going line-by-line through the current contract to strengthen future contract language. The team presented non-economic issues during last week’s bargaining.

Riverside County Per Diem Unit Ratifies First Contract

The SEIU 721 Riverside County Per Diem bargaining unit members voted unanimously to accept the tentative agreement reached with management.
Per Diem workers are set to receive raises and other economic incentives and union rights, pending approval from the Board of Supervisors at their next meeting.