Ventura County Members Say “Invest in our Community!”

Now more than ever we have to unite to fight for our community. We are gearing up the field and our unity and solidarity will provide the foundation to move the county in the right direction.

However, the county’s offer is NOT a commitment to invest in our community!

Memorial Service for Cheyenne Chambers & Frank Dominguez

We are hosting a Memorial Service for our departed Sister and Brother, Cheyenne Chambers and Frank Dominguez, this Saturday, October 8 from 11 AM – 2 PM at 1545 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, 90017. Please join us for remembrance and refreshments. 

Purple Up for a Strong Contract at LGBT Center!

Your LGBT Center Bargaining Team is in the process of bargaining a new, strong contract that uplifts our work and the communities we serve! Our next bargaining session is Friday, September 2.

Purple Up to Lift Up Ventura County!

Our unity and participation has a positive impact as we bargain for a strong contract that helps Lift Up Ventura County.

Purple Up on Tuesday, August 30 to stand in unity with the Bargaining Team as it goes to the table with County management.

SEIU 721 Members Ready to Strengthen Santa Barbara County

Our Unity and Participation is the Foundation for a Contract that Strengthens Santa Barbara County!

Congratulations on Purpling Up and coming out to participate in the coffee and doughnuts unity breaks on July 26. Our solidarity supports the bargaining team and has a real impact.

NEVHC: ALL IN for a Strong Contract!

Your Northeast Valley Health Corporation Bargaining Team is in the process of bargaining a strong contract that uplifts our work and the communities we serve! Our next bargaining session is Wednesday, August 3rd.

We’re wearing SEIU 721 stickers to show NEVHC we’re ALL IN for our patients, ALL IN for healthy communities, and ALL IN for a strong contract!

If you have any questions, please call our SEIU 721 Member Connection, 1-877-721-4968, or contact us online.

City of Riverside Bargaining Update 7-25-2016

SEIU continues to fight hard to protect it’s member’s benefits at the bargaining table!

Join Our Next Meeting and Protect Your Future and the Future of Our City!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016 • 5:30pm

SEIU 721 Union Hall

6177 River Crest Dr., Riverside