
Happy Thanksgiving from SEIU 721 President David Green

It’s once again the time of year when we express thanks for all we have. Of course, I’m thankful for my family and friends. They are my source of joy and my support when things get difficult.

And, this year, I’m especially thankful for all of you, my union brothers, sisters, and siblings, who also offer me such amazing support and friendship.

Things feel uncertain right now for many people, but I know that with worker power we have the strength to make it through anything that comes our way.

We know this because we’ve won countless times before even when it seemed like the odds were stacked against us. We’ve won historic contracts against big employers. We’ve won members’ jobs back from bully bosses. We’ve won union elections after facing aggressive anti-labor campaigns. We’ve won for our endorsed candidates even when big money was opposing them.

“When we fight, we win” isn’t just a slogan, it’s a statement of fundamental belief. It means that we believe that we have agency and power, and with that we can make change. That belief is something no one can take away, and for that we should be thankful.

In the coming year, I’m calling on all our members to stay engaged and be active in helping to build our resurgent labor movement, while sticking up for your rights and those of your colleagues.

I hope you enjoy time with your loved ones if you are off today. If you’re working, please know that we are very grateful for your vital service to our communities.

Thank you, all, from the bottom of my heart, for making SEIU Local 721 the amazing union that it is.

Happy Thanksgiving,

David Green
SEIU 721 President

Categories: My Union