Bargaining Team Election

LA County members: we’re gearing up for our next round of negotiations for a strong new contract in 2025 and beyond.

We made history in 2022, engaging in countless worksite actions, hitting the streets for our thousands-strong Fight for the Frontline march, and ultimately securing the largest general salary increases in LA County history!

Our wins are a direct result of a strong bargaining team, and the resilience of every member who took action. Now, it’s time to elect a bargaining team to negotiate our next contract.

Online Voting closes on Sunday, July 21st at 11:59pm.

Only members can vote. Vote online by creating an account and updating your membership card (if needed) here. *Tip* leave the “e” off of your employee ID number when creating your account.

If you already have a website account login now. If you have any issues creating or accessing your online account Member Connection is standing by to help (877) 721-4968.

Step 1 – Find your Bargaining Unit.

Aren’t sure of your bargaining unit? Your mail-in ballot lists your bargaining unit at the top, or you can find your job classification and corresponding bargaining unit here.

Step 2 – Read the Candidate Statements for each Department/CLASSIFICATION

If your bargaining unit isn’t listed, that means that the number of candidates nominated for the bargaining team is less than or equal to the number of available seats.

NOTE: BU 311 bargaining teams for members in Fire, DHS Community Programs, Rancho Los Amigos, and Correctional Health Services: These teams do not require elections. The nominees did not exceed the number of allotted seats.

Each Bargaining Unit has their own bargaining team which consists of a representational mix from different departments or job classifications. You will be allowed to vote for a specified number of slots in each grouping.

Step 3 – Click Your BU below or the ballot link on the Candidate Statement page to cast your ballot.

You’ll be asked to login to prove your identity before being taken to the ballot, you can create an account and update your membership card here to be ready to vote.