Enough is Enough.

Unfilled positions. High turnover. Long hours. More than 2 years without a raise. Bargain in bad faith, non-responsiveness at the table, and denying our right to access worksites. That’s what the City of Riverside has put us through.

Enough is enough.

When the City asked us to make sacrifices during the pandemic, SEIU members did so without hesitation because we believed it was right for the sake of the City and, more importantly, for the public we serve. We took on these sacrifices despite the City violating the law and imposing furloughs.

We can’t allow this to stand. We have to stand up to the City.

Your SEIU 721 bargaining committee is calling for a Strike Authorization Vote!

If SEIU members vote yes, the bargaining committee will have the authority to call for a ULP strike if necessary.

By voting Yes, you are agreeing to do whatever it takes, including going on strike if called by your Bargaining Committee due to lack of progress at the table or an injustice committed by the city such as an Unfair Labor Practice.

Find your bargaining unit ballot below to cast your vote. Only members in good standing can vote. To sign a membership card, click here.

Your City of Riverside Bargaining Team strongly recommends a YES vote.