
SEIU 721 Stands For Public Education

Monday, January 14, 2019

2:30 pm

SEIU Local 721

Our public school system is under threat from those that want to increase class sizes, cut services and send money that should go to our students toward their own special interests. It’s the same collection of anti-worker forces that attacks our jobs and union rights.

Our brothers and sisters in United Teachers Los Angeles are going on strike this week to protect our students and our public education system – and we’ve pledged to support them! 

SEIU 721 members are coming together with picketing teachers, parents and students from Liechty Middle School on the first day of the strike in a show of cross-union solidarity.

Join us and stand with UTLA educators, union members and families to demand reinvestment in our schools so that our children succeed. This is a family friendly event, so bring your children!

SEIU 721 Strike Solidarity
Monday, Jan. 14
2:30 p.m.
1545 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles

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