
Latino Caucus Meeting October 16 2024

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

6:00 pm

Virtual Via Zoom

SEIU 721 Latino Caucus
Monthly Meeting
Meetings are typically every 3rd Wednesday of the Month at 6PM.

This event is open to all SEIU 721 members.

Co-Chair: Grace Santillano
Co-Chair: Grace Sepulveda

Since 1992, the Latino Caucus has fostered and developed Latino leaders in the labor movement. Our Mission is to organize, educate and develop Latinos in order to achieve power, respect and social justice for the working class.

Through your involvement, we can grow our Union membership, develop Leaders in our Union, build political power, and take action to benefit our communities. Some of the activities of our Caucus include attending labor conferences, supporting rallies, hosting notable guest speakers, screening special films, conducting a toy drive for children and celebrating our heritage during Latino Heritage Month.

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