Member Activism Leads to New Social Worker Spots

The Ventura County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to approve up to 20 new social worker positions in the County. SEIU 721 social worker members have been reaching out to the Board over the past year, sharing their experiences about high caseloads, the increasing complexity of cases, and the need for a safer work environment.

SEIU 721 Members Win at the VCERA Board

The Ventura County Employees’ Retirement Association (VCERA) board voted 4 – 5 on December 17, 2012 to accept Labor’s position that pensionable compensation for new hires after January 1, 2013, includes those special skills pay and special pay items that are not expressly excluded by the Public Employees Pension Reform Act (PEPRA), in addition to base pay.

SEIU 721 Members Spice Things Up at Tamale Festival

SEIU Local 721 members co-sponsored the Oxnard Tamale Festival which raises funds for youth recreational programs. Members joined community allies and neighbors for a delicious day of tamales, great food, and entertainment.

Santa Barbara County Members Win a New Contract

SEIU 721 members in Santa Barbara County have a new contract after 18 months working without one. The Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to on December 4, 2012 to approve the Memorandum of Understanding.

Standing Room Only at Ventura Kickoff

County of Ventura workers packed the IBEW Union Hall on November 29, 2012 to meet the SEIU 721 Bargaining Committee members, to get information on bargaining, and to ask questions on important bargaining topics.

Santa Barbara County Members Approve Contract

With 83% of members voting YES, members who work for Santa Barbara County overwhelmingly ratified a tentative agreement between their elected bargaining team and the County of Santa Barbara. Members have been working without a contract for more than a year.

WANTED: Employee-Friendly Ventura City Manager

With the departure of the City of Ventura’s City Manager Rick Cole in September, the search is on to find a replacement. SEIU Local 721 member, Cary Glenn, spoke at last night’s Ventura City Council meeting to urge the council to expand its candidate search criteria to include someone who can work well with the City’s employees.