City of Port Hueneme Members Vote To Approve New Contract

The SEIU 721 City of Port Hueneme Bargaining Team met with city negotiators on Thursday, October 9, and reached a tentative agreement. Members voted to approve the new agreement by a wide margin on Monday, October 13.

SEIU 721 Helps Sponsor CAUSE Fundraiser

SEIU Local 721 helped sponsor Central Coast Alliance United for A Sustainable Economy’s (CAUSE) 8th Annual Community Building Luncheon held on Friday, September 26, 2014.

Latino Caucus Celebrates Latino Heritage Month

Join SEIU 721 members for a special evening to recognize community leaders and honor elected officials who stand with workers at the Latino Caucus’ “An Evening Under the Stars” celebration on September 20, 2014.

Another Major Victory in Ventura County!

The SEIU 721 County of Ventura Bargaining Committee has helped win most members over a 1-9% pay in extra increases over three years. This comes after SEIU 721 members helped defeat the pension-killing ballot measure and the SEIU 721 Workload Forum helped fight for and win more social worker positions.

On July 28, your bargaining team met with the County to review the results of the Market Based Adjustment Study, which is part of our current contract. The results are in, and not only is almost EVERYONE getting the 2% wage increase this August 16, over 1,800 SEIU 721 members will get an additional EXTRA 1-9% in wage increases this August 31.

SEIU 721-HSA Workload Forum Leads to 59 New Ventura County Jobs

The County of Ventura Board of Supervisors voted on August 5, 2014, to approve 59 new positions to help keep children safe in the County. The new additions, which include 30 new social workers, are the result of SEIU 721 Local members and staff working tirelessly with the County of Ventura through the joint Workload Forum to find better ways to lessen the impact of child abuse and neglect in our community.