SEIU 721 Members In the Tri-Counties Tell ALEC To Stop The Assault On Working People

SEIU 721 members, retirees and community activists from the Tri-Counties region went down to San Diego to protest the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) meeting on July 22. The group participated in the actions along with other labor allies in the Tri-Counties Central Labor Council. The bus load of activists left from Camarillo and also included UDW AFSCME members who came all the way down from Santa Maria on the Central Coast.

Nurse Celebration a Huge Success

Our Nurse celebration on May 30 was a huge success!

Our Los Angeles County nurses were honored for the outstanding care they provide to our community. Both Robin Ellis and Marva Burgess received our Florence Nightingale award for honoring the caring legacy of Florence Nightingale through an unrelenting dedication to uplift the critical role of Nursing in the healthcare field.

SEIU 721 Santa Barbara County Members Speak Up About Inequities

SEIU 721 eligibility workers from Santa Barbara County, including members from the Santa Maria offices, as well as SEIU 721 staff, spoke at the Board of Supervisors meeting in Santa Barbara on Tuesday, May 19. Speakers urged the board to consider the pay inequities as it prepares for its upcoming budget review and adoption.

Welcome to Three New Executive Board Members in the Tri-Counties Region

On May 6 the SEIU 721 Tri-Counties Regional Council interviewed qualified candidates for three vacant SEIU 721 Tri-Counties Executive Board (Eboard) seats. Per the SEIU Local 721 Bylaws, the Regional Council has sole authority to appoint its replacements to the local’s Executive Board.

A Big Step Up in Pay for Some SEIU Local 721 County of Ventura Workers

Almost 400 SEIU Local 721 represented County of Ventura employees will received new ADDITIONAL market based wage increases in the near future. Your SEIU 721 Bargaining Committee met with County representatives and agreed to additional MBA increases for 60 classifications, bringing worker salaries much closer to market value.

Support the L.A. Women Fasting for $15 this Wednesday at L.A. City Hall

L.A. Women have taken over City Hall’s doorstep in a 15-day fast demanding a $15 minimum wage in Los Angeles! Today is day 12 of women going without food and standing strong outside of City Hall’s doorstep. The brave L.A. women include mothers, fast food workers, attorneys, labor leaders, clergy and advocates.