Riverside County General Membership Meeting

It’s in our hands to champion a contract that guarantees living wages for all, prioritizes the safety and wellbeing of all residents and frontline workers, and restores public services to the highest levels.

County Of Ventura Workers Say “Make That Call!”

At the table, the biggest issue is ensuring that we have accessible and affordable quality healthcare. We’re taking this fight for affordable healthcare head on for our families and for our community.

Tentative Agreement Reached in Ventura Courts

We stood together in unity with the bargaining team and our work paid off. The bargaining team reached a Tentative Agreement on a strong contract that will help Lift Up Ventura Superior Courts!

SEIU Local 721 President’s Report for September 2016

In accordance with our SEIU Local 721 by-laws, it is my honor as your President, to submit this report to you on our Union’s activities. To read the full report, please use this link (PDF).

Sisters and brothers: As you read these words, we’re less than 70 days away from the most important election many of us will see in our lifetimes.

Purple Up to Lift Up Ventura County!

Our unity and participation has a positive impact as we bargain for a strong contract that helps Lift Up Ventura County.

Purple Up on Tuesday, August 30 to stand in unity with the Bargaining Team as it goes to the table with County management.

SEIU 721 Members Ready to Strengthen Santa Barbara County

Our Unity and Participation is the Foundation for a Contract that Strengthens Santa Barbara County!

Congratulations on Purpling Up and coming out to participate in the coffee and doughnuts unity breaks on July 26. Our solidarity supports the bargaining team and has a real impact.