California court administrators have fired the whistleblower who last year exposed their poor oversight of multimillion dollar contracts with private vendors.
Michael Paul, a senior technical analyst in the Administrative Office of the Courts’ information services department, said he was told Friday, July 9, that he was being fired for reporting a possible bidding irregularity in a courthouse construction project to the wrong colleague.
“Whistleblower protections allow employees to come forward to report mismanagement of funds, misuse of authority, and most of all lack of accountability,” said Linda Mascorro, an LA Superior Court employee and member of the SEIU 721 executive board. “The AOC has gotten away with not being accountable or transparent. They need to be reminded that they do not have an open checkbook.”
California court employees have also raised serious questions about misspending by the AOC, and they support AB 1749, which extends whistleblower protections to court employees. Click here to read more.