
COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions for the County of Ventura


The COVID-19 pandemic is causing shifts in our lives and in our workplaces on a daily basis. SEIU Local 721 is moving swiftly to keep up with all the changes in all our jurisdictions to help keep all workers and the clients we serve safe.

Here are the latest Frequently Asked Questions and responses for County of Ventura members.

When is the deadline to use the new 40 COVID-19 related sick hours that the Board extended?

The new hours can be used going back to April 19th and the deadline is the end of the declaration, depending on the Public Health’s determination.

Is COVID-19 pay calculated into our regular service hours and pension formula?

Yes, COVID-19 paid time goes towards the service hours and pension.


For those employees who used the 160 hours of COVID-19 pay and will use the new 40 hours will they continue to accrue vacation and sick pay? If so, then the answer is:

Yes, employees receiving COVID-19 pay will still continue to accrue vacation and sick time.


Do people need to fill out any additional forms (extended leave) if they take more than 3 days in a row? 

Employees will still be required to request a leave of absence if their absence is going to be more than 3 consecutive days, on a modified schedule, or it may be on a case by case basis.  It should not have negative effects. The point of the LOA form is to track how many hours of COVID-19 usage are being used.  This will ensure that all leave entitlements that the employee is eligible for are tracked and communicated properly.


If you have urgent worksite issues related to COVID-19, fill out the Coronavirus Incident Report form or call your worksite organizer.  Your union has secured re-usable cloth masks and will begin distribution of those for members in the coming weeks – please stay tuned for updates.