Activate Your Membership
Activate Your Membership
Activate your SEIU 721 membership today to continue winning strong contracts and get access to exclusive member benefits.
Through our union, we have won wage increases, healthcare coverage, paid days off, and more. We know that when we are united, we have the power to protect our wages and benefits and hold our bosses accountable. The bigger the union, the bigger the raise.
No matter our race or background, union members stick together and look out for one another like a family.
Join your coworkers and become an SEIU 721 member today!
Three Easy Steps
To activate your union membership, use the easy three step form below!
1) Verify Your Identity
With more than 97,000 workers in Southern California, it’s important that we verify that you are well… you! It helps protect our union and allows us get you the most relevant news and updates to you and your work. This page will reload when your identity is verified, just scroll down to complete Step 2.
2) Create An Account
Creating your SEIU 721 online account is how you get access to members only pages like your contract and the benefits portal. When your account is created, you’ll be sent to Step 3.
3) Sign Your Digital Card
With your account created, your information will automatically be pulled in to your digital card. You can sign in just a few seconds!