Major Victory for Riverside County Workers; Court Prohibits Riverside County from Imposing LBFO and Orders Nurses Reinstated ‬

‪Riverside, CA – SEIU 721 President Bob Schoonover issued the following statement in response to ruling in the Public Employment Relations Board v. County of Riverside hearing.

“Today, a Riverside County Superior Court judge affirmed the right of county workers by barring the county from imposing a unilateral ‘last, best and final’ offer until the 21 outstanding unfair labor complaints against the county are resolved. The court also ordered that the nurses who were terminated for participating in the strike be reinstated and made whole. ‬

‪This is a major victory for Riverside County workers who have gone more than 18 months without a contract and endured hostile, unlawful behavior from an employer dead-set on silencing their voice.

‪Over the course of those 18 months, the county has racked up an unheard of 35 unfair labor practice charges. That’s 35 times they broke the law to try to stifle worker’s rights. Our members and our union won’t stand for this and I’m pleased that, because of this ruling, we look forward to returning to the bargaining table with the County being required to act in good faith. ‬

Make no mistake; imposition was the county’s plan from the start. They’ve already imposed on the county sheriffs and imposition on a second union is on the agenda for July 17th. ‬

‪This combination of impositions, law breaking and takeaways paint a clear picture of an employer actively hostile to its own workers – an employer acting with impunity and against the best interests of the public. ‬

‪Through our strong union, not only do Riverside County 721 members have a strong legal advocate in their corner, but so do the people of Riverside who rely on the vital public services that our members provide and that this odious “last, best and final” offer threatens. ‬

‪In a week when an unelected, unaccountable, overtly partisan United States Supreme court delivered what was supposed to be the death-knell for American unions, Friday’s decision proves that worker power is still alive and well in California. ‬

‪SEIU 721 members aren’t backing down. Today in that courtroom, we found a small semblance of justice. It’s my hope that going forward, the board of supervisors chooses to abandon its previous bad behavior, returns to the bargaining table and works out a deal that raises up all of Riverside County. ‬

‪If they don’t, then I hope their successors are ready to, because SEIU 721 member power isn’t going anywhere.” ‬


Contact: Coral Itzcalli (213) 321-7332

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