Over 100 participants and volunteers filled the Cesar E. Chavez Elementary School cafeteria for our Feb 3rd Citizenship Fair. SEIU 721 members, CAUSE and other community groups helped dozens of legal permanent residents with their path to U.S. citizenship after filling out their N-400 forms.
Families from cities across Ventura County also received free legal evaluations from immigration attorneys.
Given the malicious attacks on working families from greedy “Right to Work (for less)” forces, it’s critical that we prepare ourselves for the upcoming 2018 election. When we use our collective voice to fight to keep families together and wield our power at the ballot box, we can make a difference by electing officials who will stand up to defend working families.
Our Citizenship Fair in Oxnard put dozens of legal permanent residents one step closer to achieving their goal of being able to vote, and to having a true voice in our democratic process.
SEIU 721 and community groups scheduled our next Citizenship Fair for March 17, 2018. Join us as a volunteer, or bring out those who need assistance securing their paths to citizenship.
For questions contact SEIU 721 Coordinator Akemy Bon-Flores at akemy.bon-flores@seiu721.org or at (213) 446-4851.