
We’re Ready to Lift Up Ventura County with Two Powerful Community Proposals

When it comes to protecting vital public services, our County of Ventura members are ready to do Whatever It Takes! Members across the county have come together to lift their collective voice, demanding that the county invest in our community!

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At the table, our bargaining team delivered key wage and benefit proposals to county negotiators, had dialogue regarding an IRS requirement within the Vacation article and also put forward two initial community proposals aimed at lifting up all of Ventura County’s working families.

The first of these community proposals sets aside monies for affordable housing for County employees and local residents. This key proposal secures a strong future for all of Ventura County’s working families, and would guarantee that no family would be forced to choose between paying the rent or putting food on the table for their children. As the community stands with us to protect our pensions and benefits, it’s critical that we stand united with our community allies to Lift Up ALL of Ventura County.

Our second community proposal ensures the safety of Ventura County’s immigrant families. In the face of unprecedented attacks on immigrant communities across the country, it’s never been more important for us to stand up for the immigrant families we serve. This landmark proposal ensures Ventura County will not use any County funds or resources to assist in the enforcement of civil or federal immigration law or to gather information regarding the immigration status of individuals in the County. United, we can keep families together and protect the most vulnerable in our community.

The bargaining team will present the balance of our counter proposals at the next bargaining session on November 28th.


Field Action Update

collage.jpgSEIU 721 members flooded the Board of Supervisors meeting on Nov. 15 to demand immediate investment in the vital services Ventura County residents rely on. We had well over 150 members at the meeting and several member speakers. In addition, dozens of members who could not attend the Board meeting spoke up and submitted videos of their message to Board members. We’ve been blasting these videos out to members and across our social media channels.

Members from across the county are speaking up and signing pledges to do Whatever It Takes to get a strong contract that will Lift Up Ventura County! At our worksites, member delegations are taking this message directly to our bosses, demanding the County invest in the critical services we provide.

Lastly, members are leading a Thanksgiving action on Tuesday, November 22. We will be going to the Board of Supervisors’ office between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m., to tell them that while they will be dining comfortably during Thanksgiving, we will be trying to figure out how to make ends meet for our families and how to stretch vital services for our community.

Stay tuned, there will be more actions to come!