
Otis Rally on 8.21 and Latest Win!

Otis Part-Time Faculty had an overwhelming 100% YES strike authorization vote on Aug. 14 and now there’s more breaking news:

We’ve been meeting to resolve the reduction of hours and pay issue for the Foundation Department Part-Time Faculty and the college has responded in our favor!

Here’s the new language:

All part-time FNDT faculty who are teaching 5 contact hour courses should be paid at a 6 contact hour rate for Fall 2024 (and likely going forward). This includes new part-time FNDT faculty. No opt in should be required of part-time FNDT faculty

No weekly, biweekly, or monthly forms should be required.

Wed. August 21 @ 9 am – 11 am
Otis College at the front door entrance on Lincoln Blvd and La Tijera Blvd.
(look for the Purple canopies)

Stay tuned for more updates and we’ll see you this Wednesday 8/21!