
CAS NTT Faculty: Meet Your Bargaining Action Team (BAT)!

USD CAS NTT Faculty Members,

After two weeks of voting, we’re proud to announce our Bargaining Action Team (BAT):

Thank you to our candidates, and to those who voted! You can learn more about BAT members from their candidate statements.

Alongside our chief negotiator, an attorney provided by SEIU Local 721, the team will bargain for the first union contract for non-tenure track (NTT) faculty in USD’s College of Arts and Sciences (CAS).

Soon, the team will meet to develop proposals and identify priorities for negotiations based on feedback we received in listening sessions with CAS NTT faculty and the many responses to our bargaining survey earlier this summer. The team also plans to invite colleagues to more meetings to discuss our proposals before they are finalized, so please look out for notifications.

If you want to get more involved in bargaining, join our Contract Action Team, which will support the elected BAT in many ways. Click here to learn more and sign up!

As we prepare for bargaining, we’re also calling on all CAS NTT faculty members to fill out their SEIU 721 membership agreements and create their online accounts. Click here to start

Don’t delay! Faculty members must be union members in good standing to vote on ratifying the contract that results from the BAT’s negotiations with USD. The contract ratification vote will be conducted through the SEIU 721 website, too, so an online account will be necessary. (Reminder: You will not pay dues until we ratify a strong first contract!)