
SEIU 721 Members Win Largest General Salary Increases in LA County History!

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Categories: Los Angeles County
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Albert Argo III

Will the raise take place immediately or later in the year? Or retroactive? Thanks, if anyone knows the answer.

Anna Flores

Thank you!!

Irene Teran

AWESOME NEWS! Thank you for all your hard work!


What about the pay increase that was supposed to happen last year?

Anna Apodaca

So awesome!!! Way to go SEIU & our perspective bargaining teams. You all ROCK!!

Vincent kondo

Are there retroactive payments that will also be included from expiry of last contract on April 1

Paula joAn Crisostomo

Did we get a raise prior to October?

Last edited 2 years ago by Paula joAn Crisostomo
Terry Serrano

Do you know when we will get the first 5.5 increase and $1375 bonus?

Shantel Hill

Is 685 a part of the agreement for the increase?

Shantel Hill

Ok. Thank you.


When does this take effect?

Raquel Ahumada

Do you have an idea when we will get the bonus??

raquel ahumada

That could take long.


So will it be issued immediately after approval? Or no later than 45 days, because those are 2 different time frames…

Maricela Guerrero

Great job

The Best

Great work guys! This is the largest overall increase I’ve heard of since the 2014 negotiations. Maybe even exceeding those with all of the side items.

natasha lee

Once approved / voting , when would we receive the bonus January 2023

Shawn H.

When does the vote for the new contract ratification take place?


How much more are union dues for each member increasing to

Liza Guerrero

Will this apply to all classifications?

Edward Gomez

So we get nothing for the past year? Or is the what the “ bonus” is for?

Ch Lly

Any idea how long it takes to ratify and for the Board of Sups to sign, to get the $1,375 bonus? Thank you

Gilbert Perez

elder care expenses how that work?


Will we pay out of pocket for our benefits? Did we keep that stipend that is used to cover our cafeteria benefits?

Dave Suton

Congratulations union workers! I’m happy for all of you. Remember to support other union workers when buying items like your vehicle. All those union busting companies like Toyota, Honda, Nissan, Kia, Hyundai, BMW and Mercedes operate plants that DON’T want unions. Plus, companies like Walmart and Target actually make their workers sit through hours of anti union propaganda. So support other unions like yourselves! Congratulations again!


Why are you fighting for reimbursements for people telecommuting? They already benefit from saving gas, wear and tear on their vehicle and themselves. They are able to reduce the stress of the commute. Shouldn’t there be more benefit for those who are and have been going to their job sites?

Marcia Armijo

Is a bonus just a one time thing. Or is it monthly?

Ann Mendoza

Does the me too clause mean All county employees will receive this? TIA

nazrin ashraf

Way to go SEIU. Thanks for working for the people

Patty J

Thank you!!!

Erma Hall Wood

Granny is happy .To all of my Labor Sisters And Brothers vote Yes .


Is this for LASD as well?

Nancy Quevedo

How can we get a list of the Classifications that will receive the additional salary increase

M. Wells

What are the effective dates of the subsequent 3.25% bumps?


I’m sorry but not getting a raise immediately is not acceptable to me. We have to wait 5 more months and that bonus in today’s economy, is nothing.


So they need until October to come up with the money l! So what are they FUNDRAISING?


Is the bonus for all LA county employee or only SEIU 721 members?

Christine Cohen

Will the IHSS get a raise too?


Is the bonus for all LA county employee or only SEIU 721 members?


Will you provide more details regarding telework expansion and telework expense reimbursement?


Please include secretarial items. It is not fair that we are not allowed to telework because we are expected to “cover” for management when management should be in the office as well. I think it is in everyone’s job specs to do simple tasks like answering their own phone line when necessary, they are also public servants just like everyone else

norma moreno

this applies to health workers? ihss workeers?


Will teleworking be allowed full-time?


Does this apply to new hires as well?

Cassandra Stipes

Is any of this for the temporary workers? We haven’t received any of the Covid bonuses. Will we even see this pay raise?

Cassandra Stipes

yay! What about the pay raise? Do we know that yet?

Alex Chan

My apologizes if someone already asked this. Are the pay increases on top of our yearly increases?

Hector Sanchez

Is this a joke?
We have to wait till 10/2022 to get a raise?

A Satisfied Member

Wow! Thank you so much! This is wonderful!

Sammie Lyles

What about COLA?

Giovanni Franco

Will we be notifiy when once the agreement is approved? When should we expect the 1375 “Bridge” bouns?

Chantel C

Does this have to be voted on or is this set in stone? Is there any way the board of supervisors won’t sign it?


Thanks to all involved for obtaining the salary increase!