SB Accountability Press Conference Nov 5, 2015
SEIU 721 San Bernardino members held a press conference the community allies to call on the Board of Supervisors to hold the top County administrators, CEO Gregory Devereaux and HR Director Andrew Lamberto, be held to the same standards of accountability as other county workers. Speakers were: Esmie Grubbs, SEIU 721 Inland Region Director, Oracio Diaz, SB County Social Service Practitioner and SEIU 721 member, Paul Chabot, Congressional Candidate, Kesha McGee, member of ICUC (Inland Congregations United for Change), and Judy Jacobs, retired teacher. (names are cq) The press conference was held in front of the San Bernardino County Government Center, Thursday, Nov. 5, 2015. Photographs by tracy lee silveria/seiu721