
May 9 Rally: Protect Our Kids, Save Kenyon

All SEIU 721 members and friends are invited to attend a special rally in South Los Angeles to keep Kenyon Juvenile Justice Center open.
Thursday, May 9
9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Juvenile Justice Center
7625 S. Central Ave.
Los Angeles 90001
Download a flyer (English and Spanish)

Why Are We Rallying?
A few judges want to close eight LA County courts, including the Kenyon Juvenile Justice Center in South Los Angeles.
Kenyon isn’t like other courts. It’s a community court. Kenyon’s mission is much more than just punishing our youth. It provides services to help young people stay out of the juvenile system and become productive members of society.

Closing Kenyon will make kids and the community less safe.

Kenyon is the only juvenile court in South LA. Closing it will force low-income youth to spend more time and money getting to court. It will unnecessarily inflame gang tensions by pushing court proceedings out of the area.

What Do Community Residents Want?

-Keep Kenyon Juvenile Justice Center and all LA County courts open.
-Hold public hearings. We deserve to have a say.
-The judges should work with our community to find a better alternative.
For more information, call PCI at (323) 303-3339 or SEIU 721 Worksite Organizers Wanda Bellamy: (213) 601-2146 or Earl Thompson: (213) 300-5529.