
SEIU 721 Commemorates Armenian Genocide

SEIU 721 staff and Armenian caucus members joined the United Armenian Council in observance of the 98th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on Wednesday, April 24, 2013, at the Armenian Genocide Martyr’s Monument in Montebello.
SEIU Local 721 members joined over 10,000 Armenian and non Armenian community members in a protest in Little Armenia, Hollywood, for seeking justice organized by Unified Young Armenians in memory of the victims who fell in 1915, and afterwards rallied at the Turkish Embassy demanding respect and recognition. The embassy shut down the offices for that day.
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“I promise you this: SEIU Local 721 will be here with you at this monument every year until those responsible take full responsibility for their actions.” – SEIU 721 Executive Board President Bob Schoonover
The event started with a moment of silence for the souls of 1.5 million people, followed by a program of speeches from invited political dignitaries, a religious service representing each of the religious denominations of the Armenian community, and participating organizations placed wreaths at the monument.
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“We each have a mission in this world to stand up for our rights and that’s what unions are doing. The union is a power and so are we. Take a stick and try to break it in half. It is easy to do so. But, if it’s a bunch of sticks, it is too difficult. Why? Because together, they have power.” – Steven Gimian – Executive Board Member At-Large, Social Services Supervisor IHSS, Bubank
To join the Armenian Caucus, contact Shoushan Baghboudarian at (213)368-8685 or email:
Categories: Armenian Caucus