Paul Aldape
I represent The Blue Collar employees of The Department of Public Works. We are 5,800+ strong and are the least represented at this level. With your support we will have a voice, a loud voice for all field employees of SEIU Local 721. We The Orange shirts have always been the backbone and the foundation for L.A. County. Combined with all field employees from LA/OC cities, Tri- Counties, and Inland Area we can secure movement in the right direction for us and our families. I’m asking for your support!
Marlene Allen (721 M1st)
I am seeking re-election to the SEIU 721 Executive Board as part of the 721 Members First slate to continue to work for and fight for the rights of all Los Angeles County members. I believe in a member driven, member focused union. I want to continue to move Local 721 forward and build the largest and strongest labor organization in California. I have never shied away from any battle that benefits the membership and I’ll go toe-to-toe with management if it means the membership will benefit. Thank you for your support. Let’s move forward as one union, one voice.
Virginia “Ginny” Anders-Ellmore, N.P. (721 MDU)
Public Sector workers have been under attack since President Reagan. Privatization of public services began under President Clinton, reducing the Public Sector work force. Privatizing services puts “profit before service.” Unions and Public Sector jobs helped President FDR pull the nation out of the Great Depression in the 1930s. Please check out my blogs on 721 SEIU web site. Vote for Virginia “Ginny” Anders-Ellmore and the 721 Member Driven Union (721 MDU), candidates, to create an E-Board that will fight and win for Public Sector Jobs. “Service before Profit”
Elizabeth Atkinson
Tracey Boykins (721 MDU)
Calling all SEIU 721 La County Members. This is your time to exert your power. You want change, well, I believe in representing all SEIU 721 members as a whole, better representation, a member driven union, Transparency, Fairness and Equality. Together we can have a great union. I am asking for your support to vote for me as your next board member and the 721 MDU slate. Thank you in advance.
Raymond John Campoy III
Antonio “Anthony” Chisholm
Salena Coleman
Irene Cruz
Saleta Darnell
Arturo Diaz (721 MDU)
I have been an active member, in this Local, for over 12 years. I know how this organization works and who is making all of the decisions. If re-elected, the current, self-serving executive board members have no intention of changing business as usual. Under their watch, County employees continue to contribute the highest amount and, overall, approximately 75% of all the dues money, that is collected each month, to run this Local. TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION must change. With your help, your vote, I, Arturo Diaz and the other 721 Member Driven Union slate members will work for, not against, you.
Efren Diaz (721 MDU)
I have served members as a shop steward, elected as a representative to contract Negotiation Teams representing members in negotiations, and been an activist member for 23 years fighting for better union governance,accountability and representation. It’s the right time to initiate better financial accountability and work for the members’ best interest. Elect me to work on reducing your union dues and represent you. I will represent you and get you the help you need to be respected as a FIRST CLASS WORKER.
Kelley Dixon (721 MDU)
Cast your vote for me, Kelley Dixon, of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department.I AM:A LeaderDedicatedTrustworthyCommittedProactiveA Fighter for ALLKnowledgeable
I POSSESS:IntegrityKnowledgeLeadershipJustice for ALL
I BELIEVE IN:TransparencyAccountabilityA democratic processA member driven unionALL OF YOU
Ruby Dye (721 MDU)
I am running for a seat on the Executive Board. I’ve been a member for over 30 years. I have been an active Steward for over 20 of those years. My beliefs are , members first, involvement, inclusiveness, fairness, transparency, and representation. Members that came before and during my years helped build this Union . We need to rebuild. We can start by going back to some of our old ways. Representation being one of the main point of rebuilding. In order to do this change must happen.Our Executive Team (Board) has strayed farther and farther away from the
Gregg Fritchle (721 MDU)
We need a Union that puts representing the members we already have before organizing new members. A Union that does what its members tell it to do, not one that tells its members what to do. A Union that allocates resources to its regions based on the dues collected for those regions. As a 22-year Steward who also served 13 years on the Executive Board of one of 721’s predecessor locals (535), I remember such a Union, but over the past several years we’ve moved away from those ideals. Please help me make 721 a Member-Driven Union (MDU721) again!
Rudy Goaona (721M)
As a union, we should be committed to Representation and be guided by: Will of the members, Integrity and No secret deals. Current Executive Board Member and 14 year employee of LAC + USC Medical Center21 year member of the army National GuardBecause of my military training, my role as a leader in the union And my role as a father, I’m focused, disciplined and ready to continue my leadership role as your Executive Board Member Our members should be placed above individual political interest and no deal should be made without consent
Steven H. Gimian (721 M1st)
My name is Steven Gimian and I’m running for election to the SEIU 721 Executive Board as a proud member of the 721 Members First slate because I believe that I am really lucky to be part of this Big Family called SEIU 721. We are a beautiful mosaic picture with different shapes, sizes, and colors, but when we act harmoniously ours is a symphony.I would be honored to serve and represent everyone on the SEIU 721 Executive Board, and I ask humbly for your vote for the 721 Members First slate. Read more about us
Blanca Gomez, MSW, MPA (721 M1st)
Workers – union members–are the heart and soul of our Union. For more than a decade, I’ve served to strengthen a united voice for all LA County workers with a laser-like focus on fighting for reforms at the Department of Children & Family Services. I’ve been part of a community of social workers demanding change for children and families. Elected to the SEIU 721 Executive Board for LA County in 2010, I’m proud to run for re-election as a change agent committed to working with you to build a Union that fights for workers and a better California.
Lucy Guerrero (721 MDU)
My name is Lucy Guerrero; I have been a Member and Shop Steward for 13 yrs. For those of you that know me know that I am honest, real, and I protect Members’ Rights with no hesitation. If you do not, let me prove to you who I am and what I’m about. If you are a member and are tired of the lack of/non representation the POWER for change is in your hands. I humbly ask that you vote for me and the MDU (Member Driven Union) Slate. Together we can take our Union back. “Si Se Puede”.
Ursula Hampton
Melina Harrison (721 MDU)
As a long time member, 30+ years, I’ve watched us grow along with the members involvement. I’ve always been and remains supportive of Unionization. However, I do not like the path that our current Executive Board has taken. While their slate’s premise is MEMBERS FIRST, they continue to ignore the members’s concerns. They do not listen to us. Representation has become a thing of the past. I am a listener and a doer. I am up front and will tell you the truth. The truth of what we can and what we can not do. This means telling
Frederick Huicochea (721 M1st)
My name is Fred Huicochea, I’m an RN at LAC-USC with 39 years of service to the County of Los Angeles, and I’m running for re-election to the Executive Board of the Union because I still believe, after all these years, that I am the Union and that’s it my job to help inspire and organize my co-workers, all workers, to speak out and speak up to make things better, better for our professions and better for the people we serve.Please cast a forward leading vote for the 721 Members First slate
Carolyn Jackson
LaToshia Jackson
Lila Johnson-Crenshaw (721 M1st)
My name is Lila Johnson-Crenshaw and I’m running for re-election to the SEIU 721 Executive Board along with many other members of the 721 Members First slate so that I can continue to fight for county workers. I hope I can count on your vote.I am fearless, with a heart. I will always care and am ready to stand and fight whatever battles need to be fought, to help people and empower the children.Please learn more about the whole 721 Members First slate here at
Cecilia Martinez (721 MDU)
Linda Mascorro
Executive Board Member B.U. 860 – L.P.U., Current President -6 yrs Active Leader/Steward – over 20 yearsCo-Author B.U. 860 By Laws04/09 Seminar: Surviving Unemployment ; Food Bank for court employeesServed on Bargaining, Negations, Joint Labor Management teamLobby Visit 03/26/2010 Elected to SEIU 721 Executive BoardSEIU 721 committees: Complaint; Benefit-Policy; H.R. Oversight, Food & Toy Drive; 2012 Denver SEIU International Convention Instrumental in creating & helping pass International Resolution 313 calling for change Federal Law (allow write-down of home mortgages)Nominated by Member First 721
Carol Maxey-Ware
Ron McMullen (721 M1st)
My name is Ron McMullen, and I’ve been a Union Steward for 20 years. I participate actively with my Union, attending meetings and events regularly including the LA County Stewards’ Council. Over the years, I’ve served several terms on the board of SEIU 660 and chaired the Social & Economic Justice Committee for nearly a decade. I am a candidate on the 721 Members First slate because I want to build a Union which can defend the working class against the vicious attack by the richest 1%. We are fighting for the future of America.
Alina Mendizabal (721 M1st)
My name is Alina Mendizabal. I’ve worked for LA County for 27 years where I’ve been active with the Union for just as long. I’m a straight shooter, a God-fearing woman. I care about my job, my co-workers, my patients, and my community. That’s why I’m running for election to the SEIU 721 Executive Board along with the 721 Members First slate, and I ask for your vote.Learn more at 721 Members
Tony Mendoza (721 M1st)
My name is Tony Mendoza. I’m running for re-election, and I’d like your vote.The workers of our union are its strength and it’s critical that we stand up for all 721 members. This means moving forward to continue to make positive changes, to aggressively fight all violations of our contracts & agreements, providing our members with strong and effective representation, holding management accountable for their responsibilities to protect and promote the greater welfare, including the welfare of the workers.To achieve these ends, I seek your vote for me and for the 721 Members First slate:
Robinn Mosely (721 MDU)
Goals: Represent members, no self-serving interests. Equitable dues structure tor LA County members, its time as members to pay the same dues. A County employee with 19 + years leadership roles in SEIU 721 and SEIU 535: Executive Board Member; Chief Grievance Officer; Vice President BU 777; Arbitration Hearing Officer SEIU 535. SEIU 721attended every caucus in full participation. Co-Chair, LA Chapter Social Workers; LA Regional Council; Elected representative BU 777; Armenian Caucus; Glendale DPSS Chief Steward, etc. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. Education includes: Masters Degree Behavioral Science Conflict Resolution; Masters of Social Work (May 2013)
Mark Nickerson
Randy Ortiz
In addition to having been elected to the 2013 Bargaining Committee, my experiences with the 2009 Bargaining Committee, the Labor Management Committee, the Health Policies Committee, the Classification Spec. Review Committee, along with having a Bachelor of Science in Business Management serves as to why I should become a board member with the SEIU Local 721 Executive Board. I respectfully ask for your vote. Thank you.
Omar Perez (721 M1st)
My name is Omar Perez, and I am running for re-election as along with my Brothers and Sisters on the 721 Members First team http://WWW.721MEMBERSFIRST.ORG because I am passionate about fighting for my co-workers and my community. I believe in fighting – fighting for the rights of workers and fighting for the services we provide and the communities we serve.That’s why I work hard on the board currently to represent and empower workers. With your support and vote, I can continue to fight and to be a loud voice for all workers. Please vote for the 721 Members First slate!
Roy Price
Hi fellow members! I have served as a steward, organizer, and bargaining chair for more than 30 years. I’ve gone above and beyond my service as a steward to my fellow members. I know what it takes to get the job done. As your elected E-Board member, I will continue to fight for our rights to representation including being involved in the decision process of who is chosen as our representative. Get the right Price, Vote for ROY PRICE.
Yolanda Roybal
Valia Ruben
Jose J. Sanchez (721 M1st)
My name is Jose Sanchez and I’m running for re-election with the 721 Members First slate I am a Union man, a community activist. My family and I believe in union brotherhood. We believe that we are stronger when we stand together, that an injury to one truly is an injury to all.I work hard to help my co-workers raise their voice and I’ve gained years of valuable experience and knowledge that helps me do a better and better job. That’s why I’m running for re-election and that’s why I’m asking for your vote.
Arnella Sims (721 M1st)
My years of service demonstrate judgment and leadership, having organized my unit 33 years ago. Representing all members fairly, I bring new ideas as we recover from tough economic times. I continue to serve as steward, negotiator, COPE chairperson, BPC member, Bylaws Committee chairperson. Our union will continue to do great things for its members. Trust, integrity, service, commitment – this describes my 37 years as a court employee and 33 years as a union member. I will continue to fight for YOU. I ask for your vote for the entire 721 Members First slate. Stronger Together — we all win!
Harold Sterker, Jr. (721 M1st)
I’m running for re-election to continue fighting for health professionals, for all public workers, for justice for all.I ask for your vote for me and for the 721 Members First Team www.721membersfirst.orgI’ve been a member of BU 341 since 1990, the chair of BU 341 since 2009, and a proud LA County worker since I started as a Student Professional Worker in 1971. I’m proud of the work we’re doing in Health Policy, Contracting In, BPC, BAC, the Social & Economic Justice caucus, & I’m eager to fight for the raise county workers deserve this year in bargaining.
Sam Tarakhchyan (721M)
Daphne Teoh (721 MDU)
I am in DMH, have:1. been an active union steward since 2000, represented numerous members in their grievances;2. chaired the DMH Labor Management Committee for several years;3. chair of the SEIU 721 Asian Pacific Islander Caucus. since 2005;4. vice-chair of my bargaining unit since 2003;5. a member of the LA County Regional Council, the Representation Appeals Committee;I strongly believe that members should have the best representation possible, that their dues should be used wisely to benefit all members, that all members should pay the same amount in dues
Oscar Valladares (721 M1st)
I have served our union as a steward for 5 years, labor management committees, currently serving on SEIU International Millennial Committee, and Vice-chair of Latino Caucus. Participated in immigration reform meetings with State Department, Department Homeland Security and White House officials in Washington DC. Drafted immigration reform resolution and actively worked for its passage at last SEIU International Convention, the top legislative goal of SEIU. Will continue to improve member representation and education. Thesis candidate in Latin American Studies at CSULA. Proud to join the 721 Members First slate, asking for your vote and for entire 721 Member First Team.
Evangelia Vitogiannis (721 MDU)
I will fight for you to have representation to protect your rights, to have transparency of where your money is being spent and fight to stop frivolous expenditures by the elite. Members TAKE YOUR UNION BACK WHERE IT BELONGS – WHERE IT WAS ORIGINALLY INTENDED TO BE BY VOTING FOR THE 721 MDY SLATE!
Key to Slates: “721M” = 721 Members (LA County only); “721 MDU” = 721 Member Driven Union; “721 M1st” = 721 Members First; “1SLT 1VSN” = 1 Slate 1 Vision (Inland Region only). Candidates without a designation do not belong to a slate.
Los Angeles County Candidates
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