
SEIU 721 Stands Up for Immigration Reform

immigration-reform-press-conference-450.jpgSEIU 721 members stood behind justice for undocumented immigrants when they joined community members at the Immigration Reform Taskforce Press Conference at Ventura City Hall announcing the formation of a new immigration reform group.
The Ventura County Committee of the Central Coast Comprehensive Immigration Reform Taskforce is an alliance of diverse organizations that believes in a comprehensive immigration reform. The Taskforce includes SEIU 721 member and Court Procurement Specialist Rosa Castro.
“We strongly believe that a comprehensive path to citizenship for millions of undocumented workers will pave a way to additional economic prosperity to the Tri-Counties region,” said SEIU 721 member Rosa Castro in her press conference speech.

Dozens of community members showed up for the press conference to hear from speakers from SEIU 721, the Black American Political Association of CA (BAPAC), Central Coast Alliance United for a Sustainable Economy (CAUSE), Clergy & Laity United for Economic Justice of Ventura County (CLUE VC), La Hermandad Mexican, UFCW 770, and Mixteco/Indigena Community Organizing Project (MICOP).
As the Immigration Reform Taskforce continues to support comprehensive reform, it will work to facilitate cross-cultural alliance building and educate itself, the public and elected officials.
Related Post: > Ventura County coalition presses for immigration reform (Ventura County Star)
Categories: Tri-Counties | Ventura