SEIU 721 social worker, Lydia Salinas preparing to speak at the Board of Supervisors meeting, standing with Lead Worksite Organizer, Laura Espinosa.
The Ventura County Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to approve up to 20 new social worker positions in the County. SEIU 721 social worker members have been reaching out to the Board over the past year, sharing their experiences about high caseloads, the increasing complexity of cases and the need for a safer work environment.
As professionals, we always strive to do the best job we can. But with massive caseloads, we’re forced to do much more with less, which could compromise the quality of service that our community deserves.”
-Lydia Salinas, Social Worker, Human Services Agency
Even adding social workers will not be an immediate silver bullet to deal with the increasing caseloads. Social workers must be trained and then case aids must be hired to help with the administrative side of the social work.
The County recently reported that child abuse and neglect cases have risen by 30% over the past 18 months. SEIU 721 members pointed out the increase of caseloads during a series of presentations made to individual Board of Supervisor members. The presentations included testimonials and a video highlighting some of our main concerns. Additionally, SEIU 721 members have developed recommendations through the Workload Forum and subcommittee work.
Seven social workers will be hired then an additional 13 will be hired over the next two years.
SEIU 721 social workers spoke up in a united voice. When we stick together, the community wins.
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> Ventura County Social Workers: High Caseloads Hurt Children (> 20 social worker jobs added to handle growing abuse cases (Ventura County Star)
Member Activism Leads to New Social Worker Spots
Categories: Tri-Counties | Ventura