
Everything You Need to Know About the “Better Way for LA” Agreement

LA City workers with SEIU 721 and the Coalition of LA City Unions voted overwhelmingly on July 21 to ratify a landmark agreement that will protect services, jobs and wages to see Los Angeles through the economic downturn and on the road to a real recovery.
SEIU 721 and Coalition Bargaining Teams unanimously recommended a Yes vote. The LA City Council approved the agreement unanimously. The final decision was made by the LA City members of SEIU 721 and each of the Coalition bargaining units.

Here are some links that can answer your questions about this important agreement.


SEIU and Coalition bargaining team members say: Vote Yes (YouTube)

SEIU and Coalition bargaining team members say: Vote Yes (Vimeo)

SEIU and Coalition bargaining team members say: Vote Yes (BlipTV)

Summary of the “Better Way for LA” Tentative Agreement

Full Text of the Tentative Agreement

Worksite Flyer with Highlights of the Agreement

It’s a No-Brainer: “Why I’m Voting Yes” by Art Sweatman, 721 Steward

Early Retirement

Questions & Answers on the Early Retirement Incentive Program (ERIP)

ERIP (Early Retirement Incentive Plan) Letter of Agreement

ERIP Scenarios

City Council Motion to Extend ERIP Benefits to Employees Who Retire Now

ERIP Eligibility Caps and Exclusions