
Tell USD: Honor Your Commitment to NTT Faculty

On November 21st, USD stated that because of under enrollment, they could not commit to honoring the courses they’ve assigned to any NTT faculty for next semester – even courses that are currently meeting minimum enrollment.

NTT Faculty rely on these courses to provide for ourselves and our families. As NTTs, we’re already subject to precarious, inconsistent work schedules. Now, only a few weeks from the end of the semester, USD is planning to cancel classes that many of us were relying on to have a stable income in the spring.

Our NTT Faculty Union Bargaining Team provided USD with multiple resolutions to guarantee work or a form of compensation for our Union Members with cancelled courses.

At our December 5th bargaining session, USD still would not commit to a solution.

We believe that no NTT Faculty should face economic loss as a result of planning that was beyond their control.

We’re calling on NTT Faculty, USD students, alumni and other supporters of our union to sign a petition demanding that USD rectify this decision and ensure no NTTs are harmed by the cancellation of classes.

CLICK HERE to add your name by noon on Wednesday, Dec. 18. Thank you for your solidarity and support!