
New salary increase and other bonuses are on the way for the Legal Processing Unit at the LA Superior Court!

We have good news for all of us in the Legal Processing Unit. The LA Superior Court has verified that our new 4% salary increase – and other bonuses – will be paid on June 28, 2024.

As those of us in Bargaining Unit 860 know, we fought hard for a strong new contract during our last bargaining session. Soon, we will see the results.

Here are details about the bonuses:

  • Signing Bonus: The Court will provide a one-time Signing Bonus in the gross amount of $2,000 to only those Bargaining Unit members who were on the Court’s payroll as of April 20, 2024 and who are still employed by the Court during the effective pay period.


  • COVID-19 Appreciation Bonus: The Court will provide eligible Bargaining Unit members a one-time COVID-19 Appreciation Bonus in a gross amount of $2,000. Only those Bargaining Unit members who were on the Court’s payroll as of the approval date of the MOU, by the Court’s Executive Officer/Clerk of Court [May 6, 2024] and who are still employed by the Court on the last day of the effective pay period are eligible for the one-time payment.


  • Civic Center Stipend of $1,200: It will be paid to all LPU employees entitled to receive it. To address the challenges associated with working in the downtown Civic Center Area, the Court shall provide the following Civic Center Stipend to eligible unit members. All eligible full-time, permanent unit members who are working in the downtown Civic Center Area shall receive $50 per pay period effective within 60 days after the ratification and approval of the MOU. For the purposes of this section, the Civic Center Area includes the following locations: Clara Shortridge Foltz Criminal Justice Center, Stanley Mosk Courthouse, Hall of Records (County Mall Phase 2), and Spring Street Federal Courthouse. The payments provided in this Section shall not be prorated to provide any partial payments. The Civic Center Stipend is not intended to be pensionable compensation.

And remember: The 4% salary increase that will be paid on June 28, 2024 is part of a larger 10% increase that we will get over the life of our contract. We’ll get an additional 3% in January 2025 and another 3% in January 2026.

So, enjoy these additional dollars and stay #UnionStrong. Together, we win!

Categories: Courts
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Ericson Navoa

Thank you

Denise Grimmett

Question. What happen to the $1,200 for employees who are entitled to receive the Civil Center Stipend.