
SEAACA Members Rally at Board Meeting: “Fight for Animal Care!”

Our SEIU 721 members from the Southeast Area Animal Control sent a clear message to SEAACA management that they are fed up with the nine months of stagnant contract negotiations.

Our SEAACA members rallied loudly at the SEAACA facility in Downey – including directly outside the office of Denise Woodside, SEACCA’s executive director. Their loud chanting could be heard for blocks as they made their union presence known during peak lunch hour.

As patrons entered and exited the facility, our SEAACA members  distributed leaflets illuminating the situation of management dragging their feet during contract negotiations coupled with the bad working conditions fueled by a short-staffing and retention crisis.

After the rally outside, SEAACA members descended on the monthly SEAACA Board of Directors meeting inside. There, they testified to SEAACA management’s lack of urgency at the bargaining table and demanded an end to it.

Stand with our members and sign the petition of “No Confidence” in SEAACA management.

Categories: SEAACA
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John doe

GO SEAACA !! Make management give you better ! You deserve it !